Features of Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber Liability Insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to protect businesses against financial losses arising from cyber threats, such as data breaches and cyber attacks. Here are some of the key features of Cyber Liability Insurance:

  1. Protection against data breaches: The policy provides coverage for the cost of responding to a data breach, including notification costs, credit monitoring for affected individuals, and public relations expenses.
  2. Coverage for cyber attacks: The policy provides coverage for financial losses arising from cyber attacks, such as the cost of repairing computer systems and restoring data.
  3. Legal defense coverage: The policy provides coverage for the cost of legal defense in the event of a cyber-related lawsuit, including the cost of hiring attorneys and paying court costs.
  4. Financial protection: The policy provides financial protection for businesses in the event of a successful cyber-related claim, including payment for compensation and damages.
  5. Cyber extortion coverage: Some policies include coverage for the cost of responding to cyber extortion, such as paying a ransom demand.
  6. Business interruption coverage: Some policies include coverage for lost income and other expenses arising from business interruption caused by a cyber attack.
  7. Policy limits: Cyber Liability Insurance typically has policy limits that determine the maximum amount the insurer will pay in the event of a claim.

It's important to carefully review the coverage options and policy limits of Cyber Liability Insurance to ensure that the policy meets the needs of your business. An insurance professional can help you assess your risks and determine the appropriate coverage for your business. Cyber Liability Insurance is an important consideration for businesses of all sizes, as cyber threats are becoming increasingly common and can have significant financial impacts on organizations.

Standard cover

Cyber extortion insurance

We will protect you if a hacker tries to hold your business to ransom with any final ransom paid, as well as the services of a leading risk consultancy firm to help manage the situation.

Data recovery services

In the event you lose any important data, we can provide data recovery services. This may incur an extra cost on your behalf – check your cyber insurance policy wording for more information.

Cyber business interruption

We will provide compensation for loss of income, including where caused by damage to your reputation, if a hacker targets your systems and prevents your business from earning revenue.

Hacker damage reimbursement

We will reimburse you for the costs of repair, restoration or replacement if a hacker causes damage to your websites, programmes or electronic data.